I finally finished the hat. I would have to say that the finishing of projects is my least favorite part. I love to knit, but when it comes to putting things together I really have to make myself do it. I think that the finished product in this case is well worth the effort though. This turned out way better than I expected I can't wait to see it on her. I went to the yarn and thrift store yesterday, and found several can't live without items. I have being eyeing this book by cornelia hamilton tuttle for a couple of months, and I deceded to go ahead and get it, along with yarn required to make a project. I love the diffrent colors of the yarn. I do have a couple of projects ahead of it though, like these booties that I started for a baby who is on his way. I was trying to deviate form the typical colors that are done and i fear that I went to far with these colors. I I am going to at least finsih one and see how it looks. So far I am undecided as to weather or no this project will stay.